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28 Innovative Livestock Farmers Who are Shaping the Future of Protein

28 Innovative Livestock Farmers Who are Shaping the Future of Protein

It is estimated that there were 1 billion  cattle  and 767 million  pigs  worldwide in 2019. And there were 996 million  chickens  in 2018. The number of chickens alone is three times larger than the global human population. Animal source foods like meat, eggs, milk, yoghurt, and cheese comprise an important part of our daily diets, and  the consumption  is expected to continue to grow.

Industrial-scale farming systems enable mass production of cheap animal foods at low cost. However, poorly managed livestock systems have raised various environmental and health concerns. Factory farms, in which  99 percent of farmed animals in the United States  are estimated to live,  produce  tremendous amounts of animal waste that can contain contaminants such as plant nutrients, pathogens, antibiotics, and other chemicals.

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