Tues - Fri: 9 AM - 4:30 PM Sat: 10 AM - 4 PM

Pork Hocks, Smoked (skinless). Nitrite & Sugar Free


Our smoked Pork Hocks are a soup lover's dream come true. They are meaty and add tremendous flavour to whatever soup you want to have a rich smoky flavour. Smoked Hocks have been requested so many times that we are happy to be able to finally offer them. Enjoy!

Ingredients: Pork, water, salt and natural smoke.

The old world heritage breed pigs that we raise on TK Ranch — specifically Berkshire and Duroc — are famous for their carcass and eating quality. When compared to conventionally raised pigs — that are bred to be lean and housed inside barns — our pigs are much different. They naturally have more fat that gives them the hardiness to live outside in all types of weather and this keeps them healthier and more content. This translates into richer meat that is well marbled and has a wonderful flavour.